About Us

Freezones are usually tailored to specific industries or sectors, and typically companies within freezones conduct business outside the UAE. Mainland companies can trade within and outside the UAE and are subject to standard Dubai laws and regulations.

To help you make an informed decision, we've compared the two business set-up options below, highlighting criteria that might affect your decision.

Dubai Economic Agenda

We are aligned with the Dubai Economic Agenda "D33" in order to provide a preferred website "Freezone Of Choice" for investors. For more information about the agenda click here


To enable Dubai's freezones in becoming a leading global destination for investments and a key contributor to the Emirates strategic goals.


To provide a platform for seamless collaboration amongst Dubai freezones in order to enhance their performance and global competitiveness by:

  • Working to find appropriate environmental systems with local, regional and international regulatory bodies.
  • Enabling the sharing of best practices amongst council members.
  • Providing a fair representation of the various free zones offerings.


Dubai is a city of the future, a place where East meets West, and where fast-growth businesses can transcend geographical barriers. As a global business hub and a gateway to growth markets, the city is the preferred location for global investors and entrepreneurs shaping the future. Dubai is a hyper-connected, pro-business hub, with a focus on innovation and forward thinking that empowers businesses both large and small.

Essentially, free zones or free trade zones in Dubai are business zones where companies operating in them are exempt from all types of taxation, such as Value-Added Tax (VAT), Income Tax, Corporate Tax and Customs. Business owners in the free zone areas in Dubai have 100% ownership of the business.